How many reasons can you think of for hair loss? There are many. Your genes play a large role in determining if you will lose your hair. Some report stress and environmental influences that cause their hair loss. You need to consider your options no matter what the cause may be. There are many options out there for you that will help keep you from losing more hair. Most of the time the best solution to hair loss can be found in the knowledge available to you. We will discuss a few bits of knowledge to help you deal with your hair loss in the following paragraphs. However, according to some studies, Saw Palmetto can help in this problem. Propecia is one of the most popular methods for dealing with men's hair loss. Whatever the reason for your hair loss, if you want to re-grow your lost hair, this is one method that has been proven to work. Propecia is an oral drug that helps fight Telogen by stimulating these sleeping enzymes and follicles into action. Propecia is jumper cables for your follicles helping you grow natural hair. This drug is only one of two FDA approved medications for hair loss. The FDA does not approve of medications that they don't feel comfortable backing claims on so that must say something about Propecia for it to be approved and tested. Talk with your doctor before you order any though, just to be safe!An amazing kind of herbal medicine are Gymnema and you should definitely look into it more.
What other medications are you taking? Your pharmacist should have warned you if your medication causes hair to fall out. No two people will react the same way to the same medication we are all unique in this respect. If you want to get the best benefits from your treatment you need to first diagnose the problem. Talk to your doctor if you see any noticable difference in your hair loss after begining a new medication. There could be a different medication that will not have this affect on your hair but will offer the same result.
Laser Combs are yet another method raising some eyebrows in the hair loss world. This method is where a series of lasers are used to stimulate the scalp. Although not endorsed by the FDA yet it is in the pipeline. Alot of men are impressed with the effects of the Laser Comb for treating hair loss. Discuss your options with your physician. You could be right in thinking of this as the perfect solution to your hair loss.
Knowing why it's happening will help you treat, prevent and deal with your hair loss. You of course already know you are not alone in the loss of your hair it's important to remember that. There are plenty of other men who deal with this on a daily basis. Caring for your hair and preventing hair loss offers many options that are available today.